If you’re going to college, you’ll most likely need a checking account to get financial aid money and pay for other expenses. A student checking account is a great option for you. Here are some features to look for when comparing student bank accounts:
- No or low fees for overdrafts, monthly maintenance and ATM use
- No minimum deposit
- Good mobile apps
- Availability of in-network ATMs
- Bonuses and rewards
Here are some of the best college checking accounts according to experts:
TD Student Checking comes with no minimum deposit and no monthly fees. To qualify for a student bank account at TD bank, you must be a full-time student who is younger than 24 years of age.
Bank of America Student Accounts are the bank’s regular checking account, but monthly maintenance fees are waived for full-time students who are younger than 24 years of age.
Chase Checking Accounts for College Students waives monthly service fees for up to five years while you’re enrolled in college. Plus, you’ll get a $100 bonus when you sign up. To open a Chase College Checking account, you will need to be between 17-24 years of age.
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