While you may not have a credit history, you probably pay monthly expenses like rent and utilities. Usually, these payments do not get reported to the credit bureaus, and therefore do not affect your credit history or credit score.
However, adding utility bills to your credit report can give you a great credit boost if you pay them on time! This is an especially good way to build credit if you prefer not to use a credit card.
To boost a credit score with utility bills, you have a few options:
- Reach out to the companies that handle your gas, water, phone, cable, electric or other utilities. Ask a representative if they report utility bills to credit bureaus. If not, ask them if they can start reporting.
- Find an online tool that adds positive utility payments to your credit report. One free tool that does this is Experian Boost. Experian’s utility bills tool simply requires you to connect your bank account to add your utility payments to your credit report. After that, any payments on utility bills will help your credit score!
By Admin –